Thursday, January 25, 2007

More religous hypocracy. I love it. I'm sure I probably spelled that wrong..but meh.

So we're watching the news, and they are talking about project overcoat. Basically all these people are going around and collecting coats for the homeless. With all the cold weather finally coming in, I think it's a good idea. So, the reporter is talking to a college student who is participating in it. And my Dad goes, "Well, the Christian thing to do would be for those volunteers to take a homeless person in their house for a few days."

Shit like that really annoys me. He said it again, and I said, "Well Dad, that kid's doing more for homeless people than you do..because you don't do shit." I stopped short of saying "The only thing you do is stroke a check to some random charity, and your primary motivation is the tax deduction." That may sound way too harsh, and probably is. But, I"m so sick of it. Why do my parents think that I'm so turned off by religion and church? It's because the most so called religous people in my life have been the biggest hypocrits. I started getting turned off by it in the 90's with Six Flags over Jesus's preacher Johnny Hunt. He preached about doing all this stuff for poor people, then lives in a million dollar mansion in Towne Lake and drives a Mercedes. They raise millions of dollars for some stupid amplitheatre thingie. Even my dead grandma, God rest her soul, was snooty and kind of a hypocrite. And my Dad would talk about all this Jesus stuff in church, then go and flip the same people a bird in the parking lot a half hour later. I just can't stand people who can't even take the basic 'tenants' of their religion and apply it to their own lives, because they are too busy going around telling other people how they should live theirs. I mean, I don't go to church, I say GD and f this, I talk bad about people, but I don't pretend I'm perfect. I don't get on some religious high horse on a daily basis and talk about all this stuff.

Last night, I was flipping channels. I should have been asleep...but meh. I flipped to some show I think it was on EE. Anyhow, it was about two lesbians getting married or having some kind of ceremony. Nothing else was on, so I watched it. I have to did look kind of wierd, and most of the time, I was going "Dear God, please don't show them kissing or anything like that." If I had watched this when I was in high school, I would have ranted on about how horrible it was, how against God it is, and how stuff like that is gonna bring on the end of the world or whatever. But you know what? By the end watching it, I actually felt good for them. I mean, they were so happy. And what does it do to me or my parents for them to be able to walk in a church and get married? Absolutely nothing. IMO, God can do what he wants. IMO, the meaning behind marriage comes from God anyhow. It may come with alot of benefits and stuff, but to me a marriage liscense is just a meaningless piece of paper. When it comes down to it, on a personal level, I think it's wrong. However, who am I to sit here and judge how two other consenting adults are supposed to live? It just doesn't make sense.

And on an unrelated note..if my Dad asks me any more stupid meaningless questions, I'm gonna scream. Hmm. Time for the Y. Yippee!


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