Saturday, January 20, 2007

I have the life of a 40 yr old. Heh. So, I'm sitting here on a Saturday night watching Deep Impact.'s not a porn's an asteroid movie that came out about 10 yrs ago. Of course Mom likes it because it's a disaster movie. Work actually pissed me off today. I was going to go down there to pick up my last check and say hello. Well..Dad checks the mail, and lo and behold..there's my check. Why do they have to be efficient at the one time I don't want them to be? Gahh... Despite the fact that I got up at 2:30 again...I still got over to the Y for 40 minutes. That's 6 days in a row. And unless there's plans tomarrow with anybody, which doesn't look like a possibility at the moment, I'm not breaking that streak. I'm gonna do my damnest to get up at a decent time tomarrow. Especially because Dad's going to be at work. That sounds so harsh..but God he's so damn annoying. Hmm....maybe I'll be left alone long enough to make a couple of phone calls. Dad wants me really bad to stay home and watch the Colts/Patriots game with him at 4:30pm or whenever it comes on. Meh. That won't be bad, but I'm not going to put that at a priority of something comes up. I would so love to go to a wild sports bar and watch football tomarrow. That would be awesome. I would also so love to call HPCG tomarrow..just to talk for a couple of hours. Hmm...oh well. Blogger, why do you have to be annoying and not let me hit enter to seperate paragraphs? Gahh... Anywho..I also got my two piece bathing suit in the mail. actually looks halfway decent. It's a 14, and it's got room to spare in it. I am glad that mom threw my other swimsuit in the dryer though, because it caused it to shrink. Which, is what it needed. I can at least get some more milage out of it until I leave on my trip.


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