Friday, January 19, 2007

So today was a little bit productive. I got to go to an auditing convention and career fair at KSU. Hooray for my student ID. Anywho, it was nice to spend some time with my former classmates. I've figured out over these past couple of weeks that becoming anti social and distant is a choice. It's not me. I just really enjoyed the interaction with them again. And, the speakers at the convention weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. It's nice to see people in accounting who have a personality and can laugh. Of course, some of the career fair people blew me off, but that happens to everyone. I still get mad about how everyone gets pushed into Big 4. It's appealing, but not what i want to do at all. At least I wasn't nervous today like I usually am when talking to those people. Although I do see the one downside of losing weight- I need a new black suit. I don't know what they are doing with women's clothes nowadays, but they are cutting them big or something. I bought a 3 piece suit back in September for the Career Fair. The jacket is a 12, and the skirt is a 12, and the pants are a 14. I've got at least 3 inches in the waist. The pants are unwearable. The jacket has at least 3 inches that I could cinch it in the waist. So mom and dad want to know what to get me for my birthday? How about a nice black suit and some nice dress shoes that don't hurt like ass.

I think I'm going to Motions tomarrow to pick up my check. Really no reason to, because more than likely I will get there after the banks have already closed. So, it'll essentially be the same as going Monday. And, it's not like I need need the money in there right now anyhow. But, it'll give me another reason to get me out of the house. And..hopefully, I'll get to talk to HPCG. This is silly. I've never been out on a date with this guy, but I've never missed someone as much as him in my entire life. Almost everyday at 7pm, unless I'm doing something, I tinker with my phone wondering if I should call him or not. I've already ranted about this, but that's why I've got to decide about where I'm living at. Because this calling and talking thing is not going to be pretty if I decide to pack up and leave. Yeah, I could just call as friends, but it's not like that. I feel so bad about the way I treated him (backing out of dates at the last minute....even though I eventually told him that I'm moving) and all of that. I think it's one of those things that if I picked up the phone and called him, I wouldn't stop talking for 4 hours. I've run out of small talk crap to blabber about. I've never told him how I feel about him, and don't want to until this job thing gets straightened out. yeah. Hopefully he'll be there tomarrow. I think I'll show up around 5:30.


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